What caused the Edmund Fitzgerald to sink? Why was the Edmund Fitzgerald so famous?


Even though there’s no universally accepted distinction between Ships and boats, Ships are typically larger than the boats and that also highlights the risk in sinking between the two.

The Edmund Fitzgerald ship is still one of those that can leave your mouth wide opened in wonder with reports of Sinking on 10th of November, 1975 in Lake Superior.

Why was the Edmund Fitzgerald so famous?

The Edmund Fitzgerald is one of the world’s famous Ships and just incase you are asking yourself why it’s that famous, it’s simply because of it’s specs and build.

Edmund Fitzgerald was launched on the 7th of June, 1958 and went on to become one that the world’s eyes are on. it stood as the largest ship ever on the Great Lakes. Also, till date, it stays as the largest to sink there.

What caused the Edmund Fitzgerald to sink?

Since the sad happening of Edmund Fitzgerald sinking broke out in into the news, many are still wondering what exactly could cause it’s accident.

The Edmund Fitzgerald sinking was as a result massive cargo hold flooding that made it lost stability as well as buoyancy.

I know your ears are still itching you to hear how the Cargo hold flooding happened. Well that actually happened through the hatch closures that were not effective as there was a roll along of boarding seas along the spar deck.

When the shipwreck happened, there were more than 26k tons of taconite on board. This is what made this shipwreck one that caused the most and highest financial loss in the sinking history of Great Lakes.

This sinking led to a 29 man crew losing their lives and till date none of the bodies have been retrieved.


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