Afua Asantewaa’s Singathon, Here are the Guine World Recode rules and regulations

Afua Asantewaa, a young and brilliant Ghanaian entrepreneur is currently gaining massive love from Ghanaians with her attempt to break the Guinness world record of the longest singing marathon.

There have been questions about the rules and regulations surrounding the singing marathon as most Ghanaians continue to ask themselves if she ever breached any of the rules during her marathon.

Well, the Guinness World Records, has set down 9 rules governing whoever is determined to break the singing record.

Below are the rules and regulations.

1. No piece of music may be repeated in performance within 4 hours.

2. Applicant is permitted to take a 5-minutes break every hour or 20-minutes break after 4 hours.

3. Inprovisation or jamming is not allowed.

4. Applicants may be accompanied or not accompanied. If accompanied, no musician may play for more than 4 hours, after which they must take a break of a least 4hours.

5. After the attempt, a playlist of all tunes performed must be maintained and submitted with the claim.

6. Applications are granted to applicant who are 16+ years old.

7. Songs sung throughout the attempt must be recognisable & performed to a reasonable standard.

8. Singing should be continuous with only brief pauses of not more than 30 seconds in between songs.

9. Each song performed must last for at least 2 minutes.

With these rules, it seems Ghana’s very own Afua has met all the criteria although rule number 8 is somehow looking like a tough test for her to pass. In fact most professional music performers even struggle to control their performances with a brief pause of 30 minutes.

However, there is also a loophole to explore that will prevent her from failing that particular rule. All she has to do is perform the singing marathon for some more hours. Beach In an event where she took a brief pause of over 30 seconds, the seconds or minutes on it would be deducted from her performance time so performing for some more hours would help her recoup the times deducted and then making her eligible to be recognized as the new record holder.

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