Alaina Marie mathers biography; partner, Net Worth, and facts about Eminem’s oldest adopted daughter

Alaina Marie is the eldest adopted daughter of renowned American Rapper, Eminem. Her biological mother is Dawn Scott who happens to be the twin sister of Eminem’s ex-wife Kimberly.

By Virtue of Birth, the grand parents of Alaina Marie are Casimer Sluck and Kathleen Sluck who are both the parents of Kimberly and Dawn Scott.

Alaina Marie age

Alaina was born to Dawn Scott and her unidentified boyfriend on February 22, 1993, in Boston, in the United States of America. As such she is currently 28 years of age.

Why Eminem adopted Alaina Marie

Alaina was raised by Eminem and his then wife Kimberly and if you weren’t told, you may never suspect Alaina is not their Biological daughter.

Dawn Scot had lots of difficulties in some stage of her life especially after getting pregnant with Alaina. She was heavily addicted to drugs and the fact the man who got her pregnant is not known is another trouble on it’s own. Due to her mother’s inability to take care of her, Eminem and then-wife Kim legally adopted Alaina in the mid-2000s.

Alaina Marie Partner

At first Alaina has been very careful with her relationship status in the public, she successfully kept everything concerning her private life out of reach until rumors came out she was going out with Matt Moeller, a musical artist.

She however confirmed that with an Instagram post on February 14th 2021 when she posted his picture to celebrate him on Valentines day. The same day she confessed she has been crushing on her man for over 15 years.

Net Worth.

Alaina Marie has made some fortunes for herself with an estimated net worth of $ 3 million.

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