Christy Giles Cause Of Death: How Did Christy Giles Die?

The world was hit with another bad news with a celebrity death On November 13, 2021, 24-year old when LA model Christy Giles was reportedly dead.

The model was found dead on a sidewalk outside a hospital in Los Angeles, alongside her 26-year old Mexican friend Hilda Marcela Cabrales-Arzola who was in a critical condition.

According to multiple reports, The two bodies were found dumped were found dumped outside two different LA hospitals in what was said to be a Friday night rave.

Gile was discovered at the Southern California Hospital in Culver City and was pronounced dead while Cabrales-Arzola was found outside the Kaiser Permanente Hospital in West LA, where she remains on life support with zero brain activity and low chances of recovery.

Christy Giles

Reports indicates three unknown masked men were suspected to have carried out the murder for both cases.

Giles’ husband, Jan Cilliers, told ABC7 about the last text messages between the two women from that night, with Giles saying to Cabrales-Arzola ‘’let’s get out of here’’ not more than 12 hours before the bodies of the women were discovered.

Quick finding from the LAPD’s preliminary investigation are said to hint at a likely case of fatality due to drug overdose.

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