“Election Petition” – John Mahama revealed he led NDC to court to calm tempers

Former President of Ghana John Dramani Mahama has said that the National Democratic Congress and its flagbearer for the 2020 election went to court to calm its members.

He noted that tempers were high as a result of losing the election and therefore to calm the supporters and ensure that cool heads prevail, he decided to seek legal redress.

The former President noted that after the Court hearing, the NDC was more unified and cool heads had prevailed.

To him, he is still convinced that he and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) won the election regardless of the ruling by the Supreme Court and the declaration by the electoral commission.

“Our position was that there were some constitutional discrepancies in the declaration of the results and that was at the core of the case we took to court. But apart from that there were widespread irregularities and our constitution states that the court is the final arbiter in determining electoral disputes and so as a party that respects the constitution, the only alternative was to settle the dispute in the Supreme Court and so we took the case to the Supreme Court.”

“Aside from that we also needed to go to the Supreme Court to provide some cooling off time for our people. I mean everybody knew that there was something going on in respect of what they felt our grievances were in the elections and so by the time the judgement was given, passions had cooled and it kept Ghana peaceful and secure,” he said.

“We believe we won and we still believe that we won this election but by all standards, whether the outcome was determined for us or not we made a very good showing in this election. To have come from 106 seats to 137

On 2020 election and its accompanying deaths recorded, the former President bemoaned the security arrangements indicating that it was contrary to the normal security arrangement done for elections where just Police officers are deployed to the electoral centers.

He believes that if the usual security arrangements were made, the country wouldn’t have recorded death cases like it did in the 2020 election

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