Ghanain Actress insists he won’t stop sleeping with married men, names the goals she want to achieve with the money she will make from slaying

Ghanaian actress and socialite, Keila Treyy has said that she has no remorse for having affairs with rich married men because all men cheats.

According to her, the men are the ones who approach her and not the other way around. The actress also said that she knows that when she marries, other women will also sleep with her husband hence it’s no big deal she also sleeping with people’s husbands now.

In an an exclusive interview with Arnold Mensah Elavanyo on his vibes in 5, Treyy said that she sleeps with men for money and she intends to use the proceeds she earns from her wild escapades to build a church and an orphanage in the future.

She is thus unperturbed by the opinion of others about her as she is not slowing down in having affair with married men.

She also said that many of the women who insult her want to be like her but because they don’t have the opportunity it breeds hate in their hearts.

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