Man blackmails 20 married women with bedroom videos he secretly recorded during Atopa with them

The mining town of Prestea in the Western Region of Ghana has been hit with a scandal that involves a South African based Ghanaian and some married women.

The South African based Ghanaian who touched down in Prestea for his evil agenda succeeded in sleeping with 20 women which most of them are married women

The man identified as Paa Agyei after luring 20 women into his bed and slept with them will record the act without their knowledge.

15 of the women captured in his sexcapades are legally married women who live with their husbands in the Prestea township.

Kofi Agyei also recorded video calls where he made some of them go nak3d.

Somewhere somehow, the videos have found their way on the internet causing serious havoc in Prestea and its environs.

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