Western Togoland leader Papavi confirmed dead

The Leader of separatist group called Homeland Study Group Foundation Charles Komi Kudzordzi well known as Papavi is reported dead.

Papavi according to multiple sources gathered by Osixafrica.net died today Saturday October 16 while on admission at the Keta Government hospital in the Volta Region.

The 88-year-old had been the protagonist demanding the secession of the erstwhile Western Togoland, which covers modern day Oti and Volta regions as well as some parts of the North-East Region, from Ghana.

He was arrested alongside eight others in May 2019 after they claimed time was due, per an agreement with the then government of Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, to declare their independence from Ghana.

Meanwhile he has been standing trials for treason but recently called the bluff of the Attorney General in a heated interview last year.

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