Beautiful photos drop as Inna Real Life CEO David Deuces tie the knot with his longtime girlfriend

It’s all Joy in the Camp of Powerful online group “Inna Real Life” Their CEO David Boahen Deuces just got married to his girlfriend.

David and his girlfriend identified as ‘Annie Bisty’ has been in a relationship for years now and everything seems to move on well for them as desired by every well wisher.

Quickly they decided to take their union to a whole new level and did that successfully in a beautiful ceremony that took place earlier today.

Osix Africa gathered some shots from the marriage ceremony and both look so good and lovely with Annie rocking the traditional Kente attire.

The AMG associate happily confirmed the marriage with a message that reads:

“I just Got married to the love of my life ❤️❤️??? Annie Bitsy ..#This Love is forever and endless ?am happy now … this Saturday is our white wedding and reception ?#Am grateful #davann2021”

Annie described the ceremony as the happiest day in her life.

“Today is the happiest day of my life ❤️I got married to my bestie ?? @amgdeuces_ironboy ? ❤️ she stated

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