Charlotte Osei, Kwesi Pratt Jnr, Bridget Otoo and other Top Ghanaian Celebs present at Randy Abbey’s 50th birthday party

Randy Abbey, a Ghanaian media personality and sports administrator, celebrated his 50th birthday over the weekend which was attended by some high profile personalities.

We all know how important birthdays can be to everyone, many of us would love to have big names among love ones and families present during our birthday celebrations and Randy Abbey is no exception.

Randy Abbey’s birthday celebration was filled with attendance by top Ghanaian celebs including Former Electoral Commission boss, Charlotte Osei, Metro TV’s Bridget Otoo, Renowned politician Alan Kyeremateng, as well as Managing editor of insight newspaper, Kweku Pratt Jnr.

The celebration which includes a church program at the action Chapel International was oversea by Archbishop Nicholas Duncan William and other key associates. It was followed by a reception that took place at the Peduase Valley Lodge.

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