Funny Face relaunch fresh Attack on Lilwin, Bismark the Joke and Kalybos

Funny Face has sent a strong message to fellow actors Lilwin, Bismark the Joke and Kalybos with the Kumawood star being his main target.

Using some distasteful words, Funny Face brands Liwin as an evil person and claim that is the main reason many actors from the Kumasi based movie scene ‘Kumawood’ aren’t in good terms with him.

The Cow and Chicken actor said he has done enough talking and now ready to deal with the trio physically should they meet anywhere.

Read Also: Emotional Funny Face call out his former wife’s in heartbreaking video

He shared the video meant as a warning to Lilwin and his other two colleagues with the caption:

“??? “ GYE NYAME “ ??? .. am BT to show you gays and lesbians .. what is Gangster and da real meaning of “ KASOA VANDAMME “ .. we won’t allow you people to distroy mother GHANA ?? .. GOD BLESS MY HOMELAND GHANA .. I AM BOLD and am ready to be STRONG for mother GHANA ?? .. go and listen to the GHANA NATIONAL ANTHEM again .. because you are all in da same group like lil win , Kalybos and Bismark the joke .. am abt to show ur real “ MADNESS “ ????? you go chop slaps when u see me !! ??? forever TO JEHOVAH ALONE BE ALL THE GLORY ??,”

The recent actions of Funny Face could be a signal that he may be suffering new episodes of depression that led him to the Accra psychiatric hospital.

Funny has been on insulting free mission for days now with his former wife’s both taking their shares already.

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