National security, NCCE dialogue with Oti Region youths on violent extremism

National Security officials in the Oti Region, together with their National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) colleagues have organised a sensitisation workshop for youth groups available in the region.

The session is aimed at the need for them to be security-conscious and avoid extremist activities that could threaten the peace and security in their region as well as the entire nation.

Participants were drawn from the various political parties, the artisans, students, teachers, and the Ghana Health Service among others.

According to a publication filed by JoyNews, the acting Regional Director for NCCE, Clement Kwesi Tettey Mamadu noted that the workshop, which was across the eight districts in the region has enlightened the participants.

The presentation from the Police in that regard has enlightened them [participants] on what to know and do during public gatherings. I think we are in the right direction and things like this, if every quarter, if we are able to engage the youth on activities like this, I believe that we would live together from things that are dividing our society,” he stated

He added that more resources are needed to expand the conversation on national security issues to other communities in the coming months.

Mr Tettey Mamadu, therefore, called on individuals and organisations in the region with the capacity to support the commission to come to their aid.

The acting District Chief Executive for Kadjebi, Maxwell Asiedu on his part noted that the workshop has come at the right time, adding that it would aid the participants to restrain themselves from joining extremist groups.

Advising the youth, the DCE urged them to take education seriously “and become gainfully employed. If you are not able to go to school, you should find something to do, especially, handiworks and farming,”

The Local Council of Churches who were also represented by their chairperson, Vincent Darkpo said there is a need to protect the peace enjoyed in the country by avoiding the rising cases of armed robberies, killings, economic hardship, and threats of terror among others.

“The reason we have gathered here is to brainstorm, strategize to bring our youth on board to arrest these emerging threats.

“For National Security, Ghana does not live in isolation of other nations, hence the need to nib in the bud, any threats before it comes up. The unit, activities around the country’s borders calls for concern,” he noted

Citing developments in countries such as Burkina Faso and the Sahel Region, the National Security Coordinator for Oti Region, Nana Afrim-Darko said the national security strategy has improved and is now centred more on humans

Nana Afrim-Darko also advised the youth to resist any attempts to be recruited into fighting in other countries or destabilising the nation, apprising that such acts have not paid off as there are evidence in countries that have had some experiences.

Touching on joblessness, Nana Afrim-Darko said the situation among the youth is a major concern to national security hence the new strategy to address the concerns.

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