Whitney scott biography, age, boyfriend, and facts about Eminem’s adopted daughter

Whitney Scott is one of the daughters of legendary American Rapper, Marshall Bruce Mathers III known professionally as Eminem.

She was born on April 16, 2002 to Eminem’s ex-wife Kimberly Anne Scott and her partner Eric Hartter but many actually thinks the Rapper is her biological father due to the kind of love he shows to her.

Whitney also has two sisters, Hailie Jade and Alaina Marie Mathers with only Hailie known as the biological daughter of Eminem.

Facts About Eminem and Kimberly that led to the Rapper adopting Whitney

Eminem met Kimberly back in mid 90s and that quickly begun their multiple love stories, after some romantic moments of dating they gave birth to their first child together named Hailie and built on that to tie the knot in 1999.

Alaina Marie mathers biography; partner, Net Worth, and facts about Eminem’s oldest adopted daughter

Their marriage couldn’t really put them together as Eminem on several occasions accuse his wife of cheating on him, one of which resulted in the rapper being booked by the police after some physical violence engagements in 2001.

They finally divorced later that year and Kimberly went straight into a brief relationship with a man named Eric Hatter whom she went on to get pregnant for leading to the birth of Whitney on 16 April, 2002.

Sadly, Whitney is yet to set eyes on her biological father who has been on the run for several years and that was when Eminem legally adopted Whitney as her mother was so troubled and addicted to drugs. In 2006, Kimberly and Eminem married for the second time with the adoption of Whitney playing a great role in that, however their second marriage has also ended in chaos but the musician still kept his love for Whitney

The Death of Whitney Scott’s Biological Father

Whitney’s biological father, Eric Hartter was announced dead of drug overdose on August 22, 2019 when His dead body was found by his mother in an abandoned house in Detroit, Michigan.

Whitney Scott Boyfriend

Currently, Whitney is single and not dating anymore. As a young lady who grew up hearing the troubled relationships her parents went through, she is focused on her career than thinking of a boyfriend at the moment.

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