Depressed Funny Face goes raw on Adebayor, Borla, Ray, Father Dickson with heavy insults

Funny Face is in another series of depression and it’s fast looking like it could even be worse than the first one based on his recent social media activities.

The actor went live on Instagram and combined Old pal Adebayor, Father Dickson and Borla Ray to serve them very well with some distasteful words.

Funny Face begun his war of words from Father Dickson and accused him of ignoring him throughout his troubled times.

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According to him the Business Mogul did not give him enough chance to turn his wrong deeds into goods once again citing the actions of Togolese striker Adebayor as an example.

He went on straight to jab Adebayor himself despite accepting the fact that the footballer was patient with him and gave him all the needed times irrespective of his bad deeds.

Read Also: Funny Face relaunch fresh Attack on Lilwin, Bismark the Joke and Kalybos

The Cow and Chicken actor insists his friend was wrong by Unfollowing him on Social media and demands Adebayor follow him back immediately.

Turning attention to Borla Ray, Funny Face said he worked for the renowned media man on two of his popular radio stations for a year each but got fired at the later part.

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