“Man In Love again” – Funny Face flaunt new girlfriend in a romantic video

Comedian Funny Face after being able to overcome his relationship drama’s has been able to regroup himself and found love again.

Funny can be spotted spending some romantic moments with his newly found chick in a video that he shared on Instagram.

The comic actor already faced a lot if issues regarding his marriage with multiple failed relationships but none of those seems to give him any reason not grab another one.

He was first married to Elizabeth Ntim but but things couldn’t work out as planned leading to their breakup

He found another named Vanessa with which he had three kids with but that became even more of a controversy than his previous one.

We cannot establish whether the lady in his new video that he is enjoying her cheek with kisses is his new girlfriend or they are just friends, but the romantic nature of the video could be a hint that she is here to stay.


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