Vaginal gas: Why women queef during sex and how to prevent it

Although you may not be familiar with the term, most women have had a queef at some point in their lives.

Queefing is a normal, albeit annoying, bodily function for the majority of us. It’s nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about, and it’s something that most women go through. If you queef during a sexual encounter, try acknowledging it rather than pretending it didn’t happen.

What is vaginal gas?

Vaginal gas, also known as vaginal flatulence or vaginal farts, has another name: Queef. But what exactly is it?

Queefing is an involuntary bodily function that occurs when trapped air from the vagina is released. The release of this air is referred to as a vaginal fart or queef.

When the air is released, you may hear a fart-like sound. A queef, unlike flatulence, does not emit any odour. Even if there is no odour, the sound of queefing can be humiliating.

Embarrassing as it is, it is also very common. The majority of the time, queefing occurs as a result of air becoming trapped in the vaginal canal during physical movements such as yoga or sex.

Queefing during sex

Different types of sexual activity can also cause air to enter the vagina and cause sex noises. The movement of a vibrator or penis in and out of the vagina can also introduce air, which becomes trapped quickly. The gas is released when the object or penis is removed. Oral sex can also cause air to enter the vagina.

How to prevent queefing

The majority of the time, there isn’t much you can do to avoid vaginal gas. Nonetheless, certain techniques may assist you in determining how to avoid queefing during sex or while exercising.

Try keeping the finger, sex toy, or penis inside your vagina with less in-and-out movement when engaging in sexual activity. This reduces the ease with which air enters the vagina. You can also try keeping it inside while changing sexual positions, as this is an ideal time for the air to enter the vaginal canal. Using the proper amount of lube may also help.

When practising yoga, strengthening and holding the Mula Bandha, or root lock can be beneficial. Squeezing your pelvic floor and drawing your muscles up and in accomplishes this. This can help prevent air from entering your vagina. You can also avoid yoga postures that commonly cause queefing, such as downward-facing dog and inversions.


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