“We can now conclude that you are mad but l’m more mad” – Afia Schwar Serve Funny Face’s mum hot after his attack on Father Dickson

Social message Land guard Afia Schwarzenegger has opened a whole new fire on Funny Face following his recent social media rants.

Funny Face have for sometime now been on a mission of insults and has given it to many great personalities and his former wives.

Hi latest one is a little heavy with distasteful words directed towards Adebayor, Father Dickson and Borla Ray.

Read Also: Depressed Funny Face goes raw on Adebayor, Borla, Ray, Father Dickson with heavy insults

With Father Dickson, not only did Funny Face jab him, he also extended the insults to his mother raising many eyebrows what exactly may be leading to his harsh words.

Sympathizers concluded that he might be suffering yet again from depression but that doesn’t guarantee him the chance to be jabbing great personalities like he did according to one person.

That person surely ain’t anyone than Afia Schwarzenegger who is so far the only person to react in a much more controversial way than anyone else.

Read Also: Funny Face relaunch fresh Attack on Lilwin, Bismark the Joke and Kalybos

Afia Schwarzenegger stated that she was one of the sympathizers of Funny Fac but now she can conclude that the comic actor is truly out of his mind.

The controversial media personality went on to tackle the mother of Funny Face as a response to the distasteful words he used on Father Dickson whom Afia described as her dad.

Watch Afia Scwar’s reaction below

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