Yaw Tog reveal he was forced by his headmaster to sign a bond not to skip classes for music

Sore hitmaker YW Tog has explained how it took him signing of a bond before he was able to concentrate and school.

One of Ghana’s music sensation leading the line for the new lords in the industry recently completed his secondary school education.

Interestingly, it would have been a different story if not for the intervention of his headmaster as narrated by himself.

Yaw Tog was so focused on his music career to the extent that he skipped school in order to have time for his musical career.

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But when his headmaster realized that could play a negative impact in his education, he forced him to sign an undertaking never to skip a single class period.

Recall that the young rapper even after his WAEC examination told the public that he is mot going to entertain any word of caution to him concerning learning.

Yes that is just a way to tell you he was truly forced to concentrate on school.


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