Did Dorothy Stratten date Peter Bogdanovich?


Dorothy Stratten was born on the 28th day of February 1960 and lived on earth for 20 years before her sad demise in 1980.

Who is Dorothy Stratten?

Dorothy Stratten was a Renowned Canadian model, and actress who appeared appeared in three comedy films and in at least two episodes of shows broadcast on American network televisions.

Dorothy Stratten Real Name

Despite the fact that she is known as Dorothy Stratten, it is just a short nicknamed coined from her birth name.

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Her Real name is Dorothy Ruth Hoogstraten which was given to her by her parents.

Did Dorothy Stratten date Peter Bogdanovich?


Bogdanovich and Dorothy Stratten were In a relationship around the time that they collaborated on the film “They All Laughed” in 1981.


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