Why Paul Kagame close down over 6000 Churches and Mosques in Rwanda and demand degree in theology for every Religious Leader

The President of Rwanda Paul Kagame has shut down at least six Thousand churches and Mosques combined in a bid to decrease  the high level of Religious frauds in the country.

This are Kagame’s words as gathered by Osixafrica.net :

“I have closed over 6000 churches and mosques in my country and I am now demanding for a theology degree for every religious leader. Stop playing with people’s faith and making it a business. Rwanda is already a blessed country. 

What is Religion

Religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods which allows someone’s pursuit or interest followed with great devotion.

As sweet as the explanation of religion is, it is expected to have only good teachings, good morals and Values but that is unfortunately not the entire case especially on the African continent.

Why Paul Kagame is taking this step

Some Religious leaders have successfully turned Churches and other worship centers into a business ground, they engage in every kind of acts without even giving it a second thought that they are tarnishing the image of those religious groups.

As if that is all, this same leaders lure members of the opposite sex into their homes and engage them into several immoral acts all in the name of counseling and deliverance.

The Message is clear, “Stop playing with people’s faith and making it a business

This and many more are what prompted Paul Kagame to take a drastic decision in closing down over 6000 of such worship Centers.

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What next?

Not only is he shutting them down, the next step is for every Religious Leader to acquire a degree in Theology before they can operate any Religious establishment in Rwanda.

What is Theology?

Theology can be explained as a collection of assembled religious beliefs. I’m are not going to limit it to Christianity by mentioning God as many would have expected since we have other religions with their own beliefs.

In this case the Rwanda President is simply enforcing that one should study and know the nature of religious beliefs in the respective religion he or she wants to go into as a leader.

So without studying this and grabbing a common knowledge with a minimum certificate of Degree, you cannot headline any religious establishment in Rwanda.

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