Ghanaian MPs are being denied visas due to an anti-LGBTQ bill, making the LGBTQ movement the world’s most intolerant, according to lawyer Foh-Amoaning.

Ghanaian Members of Parliament are reportedly being denied permits to travel to Some European countries due to the ongoing brouhaha surrounding LGBTQ Movement.

A bill is currently in parliament regarding the practice of LGBTQ in Ghana, pending a decision whether activists should be granted freedom or the act should be criminalize.

The heated debates all over the Ghanaian media space has made this topic caught attention worldwide.

As in whether it will be a good step to vote for or against the Anti LGBTQ bill, that is not our interest of discussion now.

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But According to Lawyer Foh-Amoaning, the LGBTQ is currently the world’s most intolerant movement we can talk about now.

And it is a clear sign that Ghanaians will pay heavily for any decision taken regarding the ongoing issue and that has already begun with the denial of Visa to MP’s according to the lawyer.

To make his claims of Visa denial, he revealed The Member of parliament for Ho west in the Volta region is the first victim denied a Visa to the United States which he strongly believes it is as a result of the issues surrounding the LGBT movement.

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