Which date was Marie Antoinette executed? What was Marie Antoinette final words before execution?


The French Revolution was met with several executions and one of the interesting told stories includes questions about why Marie Antoinette was executed

Marie Antoinette was the Queen of France by the before the revolution which made her the very last one, her husband Louis XVI was the then King of the giant nation before the revolution became a reality.

In August 1793, She was indicted just months after the execution of her husband Louis XVI, she went on to spend than two months living in squalor before her trial and eventual execution for treason.

What was Marie Antoinette final words before execution

Marie Antoinette was hoping she wouldn’t be maltreated before her death and she made that known when she was picked up during the revolution.

American Author, Will Bashor shares the final events of her life, including an unsuccessful escape attempt.

“I was a queen, and you took away my crown; a wife, and you killed my husband; a mother, and you deprived me of my children. My blood alone remains: take it, but do not make me suffer long.” She was quoted saying

Marie Antoinette in Prison

While in in prison custody, she asked for a pen and paper and then wrote a letter to Elisabeth, the late king’s sister:

“I write to you, my sister, for the last time. I have been condemned, not to an ignominious death – that only awaits criminals – but to go and rejoin your brother. Innocent as he, I hope to show the same firmness as he did in his last moments. I grieve bitterly at leaving my poor children; you know that I existed but for them and you – you who have by your friendship sacrificed all to be with us.” The letter reads.

Which date was Marie Antoinette executed?

Despite her plea not to suffer before her ultimate death, Marie Antoinette was taken straight to the Temple Prison in Conciergerie, Paris on 2 August 1793.

In fact The Queen was under severely monitoring to the extent that Only a screen separated the her from two of the French Revolution guards.

Finally, the time has come for the Fallen Queen to join her ancestors through execution and Marie Antoinette was executed on 16 October 1793 around 12.30pm.


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